Reference Papers
Superoxide Anion Radical (SOAR)
Harvard University. July 16, 2013 To clean up the mine, let fungas reproduce.
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Manduzio, H., Durand, F., Rocher, B. & Galap, C. 2005. The point about oxidative stress in molluscs. Laboratory of Ecotoxicology (LEMA), UPRES EA 3222, IFRMP 23, UFR of Sciences and Techniques, University of Le Havre, France.
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Hrbek, J., Yang, Y.W. & Rodriguez, J.A., 1993. Oxidation of cesium multilayers. Surface Science Volume 296, pages 164-170.
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Sheperd, G.S., Stockenstrom, S., De Villiers, D., Engelbrecht, W.J., Sydenham, E.W. & Wessels, G.F., 1998. Photocatalytic degradation of cyanobacterial microcystin toxins in water. Toxicon, Volume 36, pages 1895-1901.
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Sun, Y., Liu, Z., Pianetta, P. & Lee, D. 2007. Formation of cesium peroxide and cesium superoxide on InP pathocathode activated by cesium and oxygen. Journal of Applied Physics.
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Chen, Y., Ai, Z., & Zhang, L. 2012. Enhanced decomposition of dimethyl phthalate via molecular oxygen activated by FeO:Fe2O3/AC under microwave irradiation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 235–236: 92-100.
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Corbin, J.F., Teel, A.L., Allen-King, R.M., & Watts, R.J. 2007. Reactive oxygen species responsible for the enhanced desorption of dodecane in modified Fenton’s systems. Water Environmental Research. 79, 37-42.
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